A proud father of one, Jade is a WestCoaster through and through; born in Vancouver and raised in Victoria. Jade cut his teeth in the Internet Technology industry in the 90’s on the front lines of dial-up Internet support. This position taught him extreme patience, communication, and mediation skills.
Shortly thereafter, he was introduced to the world of Massive Online Multiplayer Role Playing Games and vanished from society. After slaying the Dragon and vanquishing the Orcish Hordes, Jade returned to normal life and quickly gathered extensive experience in Search Engine Optimization, Google Ads management, Conversion Optimization, Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing and Content Development.
Outside of Work
Jade lives on a piece of land nestled in the woods in Otter Point near Sooke, BC where mountain biking and hiking trails are abundant. Jade is an ‘ultra runner’ which means that he runs trail races that are 50km or more in length, and in 2016 he completed his first 70-mile and 100-mile ‘running’ events. Jade has also competed in 24-hour Orienteering challenges with another one in 2018 and the World Orienteering Championships in Lake Tahoe, in 2023. I guess you could call him an endurance athlete (or an idiot).
Fun Fact
Jade can rip some pretty hilarious impressions of accents and voices; but never on demand.
Favourite Quote
“My hovercraft is full of eels.” – A Hungarian (John Cleese)