FAQ 7 What version of Outlook am I using? IMAP – Set Default Folders on Apple mobile device (IOS 18+) How to Pay an Invoice How do I receive Maintenance Notifications?
Spam 7 How do I manage my Quarantine? How do I mark an email as Safe? Can you block an entire country from sending you Email? How do I block an email address or domain?
Email POP/IMAP 24 IMAP – Set Default Folders on Apple mobile device (IOS 18+) IMAP – Setup my Mailbox on an Apple mobile device (IOS 18+) POP – Setup my Mailbox in Outlook 365 for Windows How do I change my email password?
Email Hosted Exchange 8 EXCHANGE – Setup my Mailbox on an Apple mobile device (IOS 16+) EXCHANGE – Setup in Outlook 365 for Windows How do I archive my emails in Outlook Webmail – How do I access my email from the Web ?
FTP 12 How do I check my disk usage? Add users to a Group How to create a User How to create a Group with Directory Access
Website 2 What is Caorda’s WordPress Maintenance Plan ? Why am I not getting emails from my Caorda QA site ?